Thursday 5th October 2023
07.30 Welcome
Chronic Venous Disease (CVD) – Basics
Moderator: Armando Mansilha (Portugal)
07.45 Definition of Venous Symptoms. Joel Sousa (Portugal)
07.55 Pathophysiology of CVD. Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus)
08.10 Importance of CEAP classification in CVD. Niels Baekgaard (Denmark)
08.20 How accurate are our ultrasound tests for reflux and obstruction? Marino Neto (Portugal)
08.35 Evaluation tools for CVD patients and assessment of outcomes. Stephen Black (UK)
08.45 Discussion
Non-invasive Treatment of CVD
Moderator: Tomasz Urbanek (Poland)
09.00 Are drugs indicated and efficient? Armando Mansilha (Portugal)
09.10 When to use bandages. Karin van der Wegen (Netherlands)
09.20 When to use stockings. Michel Juenger (Germany)
09.30 When to use intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC). Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus)
09.40 Discussion
09.50 Coffee break
10.10 Live demonstration on duplex scanning. Daniel Brandão (Portugal)
10.30 Pathology found on Duplex scanning. Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus)
10.40 Workshop – The “Nuts and Bolts” of the workshop. Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus)
Workshops: 11.00-13.00
Duplex investigations, Saphenous ablation (thermal/non-thermal), Foam sclerotherapy, Varicose vein surgery, Pelvic vein incompetence, Compression stockings, Intermittent compression devices, IVUS, Stenting, Ulcer treatment, Treatment strategies for superficial venous problems, Thrombolysis, Early thrombus removal, Veno-active drugs, Venous valve reconstruction.
13.00 Lunch
Superficial incompetence (1)
Optimal technique
Moderator: Dominik Heim (Switzerland)
14.00 Varicose vein surgery with and without saphenous vein removal. Armando Mansilha (Portugal)
14.10 Pathways of reflux at the SF Junction. Erika Mendoza (Germany)
14.20 When I use thermal ablation. Lars Müeller (Germany)
14.30 When I use non-thermal ablation. Tahir Hussain (UK)
14.40 Discussion
14.50 Diagnosis and Intervention for recurrence (PREVAIT). Dominik Heim (Switzerland)
15.00 Complex cases of reflux and obstruction. Houman Jalaie (Germany)
15.10 Pelvic vein diseases. When and how to intervene. Suat Doganci (Turkey)
15.20 Discussion
15.30 Interventional treatments of varicose veins. Video presentation of the methods and discussion.
Tomasz Urbanek (Poland)
15.45 Case presentations
16.15 Coffee break
Workshops: 16.35 – 18.35
Duplex investigations, Saphenous ablation (thermal/non-thermal), Foam sclerotherapy, Varicose vein surgery, Pelvic vein incompetence, Compression stockings, Intermittent compression devices, IVUS, Stenting, Ulcer treatment, Treatment strategies for superficial venous problems, Thrombolysis, Early thrombus removal, Veno-active drugs, Venous valve reconstruction.
Friday 6 October 2023
Superficial incompetence (2)
Focus on foam sclerotherapy
Moderator: Dominik Heim (Switzerland)
07.45 Sclerotherapy in cosmetic treatment. Tomasz Urbanek.
07.55 Treatment of recurrent varicose veins with foam. Dominik Heim (Switzerland)
08.05 How to avoid complications of foam sclerotherapy? Tomasz Urbanek (Poland)
08.15 Discussion
Management of acute Thromboembolism (1)
Moderator: Niels Baekgaard (Denmark)
08.25 CTV, MRV, IVUS and venography in the venous workup (acute DVT and CVD). Stephen Black (UK)
08.35 Do the direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC’s) change the treatment of VTE? Armando Mansilha (Portugal)
08.45 Thrombophilia: Who needs to be tested? Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus)
08.55 Discussion
09.05 Can we prevent DVT recurrence? Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus)
09.15 Can we prevent the post-thrombotic syndrome? Tomasz Urbanek (Poland)
09.25 Current treatment of superficial vein thrombosis. Armando Mansilha (Portugal)
09.35 Discussion
09.45 Case presentations
10.10 Coffee break
Workshops: 10.30 – 12.30
Duplex investigations, Saphenous ablation (thermal/non-thermal), Foam sclerotherapy, Varicose vein surgery, Pelvic vein incompetence, Compression stockings, Intermittent compression devices, IVUS, Stenting, Ulcer treatment, Treatment strategies for superficial venous problems, Thrombolysis, Early thrombus removal, Veno-active drugs, Venous valve reconstruction.
12.30 Lunch
Management of acute Thromboembolism (2)
Moderator: Stephen Black (UK)
13.30 Catheter-directed thrombolysis (CDT) combined with venous stenting. Niels Baekgaard (Denmark)
13.40 Pharmaco-mechanical and mechanical thrombectomy. Stephen Black (UK)
13.50 The “shift” from CDT to early thrombus removal. Efthymios Avgerinos (Greece)
14.00 Discussion
14.10 Case presentations
15.30 Coffee break
Workshops: 16.00 – 18.00
Duplex investigations, Saphenous ablation (thermal/non-thermal), Foam sclerotherapy, Varicose vein surgery, Pelvic vein incompetence, Compression stockings, Intermittent compression devices, IVUS, Stenting, Ulcer treatment, Treatment strategies for superficial venous problems, Thrombolysis, Early thrombus removal, Veno-active drugs, Venous valve reconstruction.
Saturday 7 October 2023
Diagnosis and treatment of chronic venous insufficiency (C3-C6)
Moderator: Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus)
07.45 Sequential treatment plan for CVI. Olle Nelzen (Sweden)
07.55 Indications and contra-indications to medical compression. Tomasz Urbanek (Poland)
08.05 Clinical practical management of venous ulcer. Dominik Heim (Switzerland)
08.15 Discussion
08.25 Treatment of deep vein obstruction. Stephen Black (UK)
08.35 Venous valve reconstruction. Sergio Silva (Portugal)
08.45 Perforator incompetence treatment. Olle Nelzen (Sweden)
08.55 Can we determine the relative importance of obstruction and reflux in an individual patient? Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus)
09.05 Phlebolymphoedema. Franz-Josef Schingale (Germany)
09.15 Discussion
09.25 Case presentations
10:00 Coffee break
Diagnosis and treatment of lymphedema
Moderator: Tomasz Urbanek (Poland)
10.10 State-of-the-Art management of patients with lymphoedema. Franz-Josef Schingale (Germany)
10.35 Discussion
Workshops: 10.45 – 12.45
Duplex investigations, Saphenous ablation (thermal/non-thermal), Foam sclerotherapy, Varicose vein surgery, Pelvic vein incompetence, Compression stockings, Intermittent compression devices, IVUS, Stenting, Ulcer treatment, Treatment strategies for superficial venous problems, Thrombolysis, Early thrombus removal, Veno-active drugs, Venous valve reconstruction.
12.45 End of meeting. Presentation of Case presentation Prize